Research Center
Pargasiran Research
We are establishing a major research and development center in one technological parks here in Iran.
We applied to Pardis Technological Park (PTP) near Tehran and after a long process of qualification appraisal, were selected as a few to participate.
This park is sponsored by the office of president of Iran with Sharif University of Technology (SUT) as a key member. This university is the focal point of the ministry of oil for research and human resource development. Our company has excellent relations with both PTP and SUT.
Our center is one of the largest in the park with about 5000 m2 area and the building is about 6500 m2, consisting of office areas, research labs and halls over 10m roof height, with all supporting workshops and residence area for visiting scientists, etc.
Our preliminary areas of interest in R&D are as follows:
  • Advanced separation technology, including desalters and electromagnetic systems
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
  • Advanced control systems with simulation and predictive capabilities
  • Multiphase turbo machinery
  • Inline equipment for well head and upstream oil and gas processing
  • Test and improvement of existing process technologies

Related links:
  • An introduction to Pardis Technology Park
  • Pardis Technology Park website
  • Sharif University of Technology
  • Pargasiran future building in Pardis Zone. Click to enlarge.

    3D Design of Pargasiran Researc and Development center at Pardis Technology Park. Click to enlarge.
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